This land is your land…from Bonavista… A familiar song to many Canadians. And here we are, in Bonavista, where John Cabot first stepped into the New World in 1497, exclaiming ‘O buon vista’ (Oh happy sight), or so they say. He’s not wrong about the views though, they are a happy sight. And most especially so for a crew of men who had been at sea for such a long time.
We also hiked in Dungeons Provincial Park, taking in the sweeping coastline with its jagged, jutting rock formations called sea stacks, exploring Berry Head Arch and visiting with the local wildlife - the sheep and cows and horses and goats that roam free within the park boundaries.
Bonavista Lighthouse
Dungeon Provincial Park
The local wildlife in Dungeon Provincial Park
A shepherd and his sheep in Dungeon Provincial Park
The trail to the John Cabot statue
John Cabot statue
Berry Head Arch