Warren Fair 2016 - Games and livestock events

The 2016 Warren Agricultural Fair was hot and dusty. And hot. So hot.

But still wonderful. It was great to see so many people enjoying all the different events. The kids, especially, seemed to be having a marvelous time.

These photos feature the Warren Agricultural Society, MPP John Vanthof and many other individuals that competed and participated in the three day event. Due to the sheer number of photos, we've had to break them up into three separate posts: horse events, games and small livestock events and pie eating contests. If you are looking for any additional photos, please don't hesitate to contact us - there are many that didn't make it into the posts.  Enjoy!

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  • Personal use (social media, family, non-profits) - feel free to use images online but please give credit to Blue Rain (our website and/or Facebook page) and let us know where you are posting the pictures
  • Larger images, prints and all other uses - please contact info@bluerain.ca prior to using our images for any purpose other than personal use. We love sharing but we want to do it the right way. If you have any questions, please let us know.
  • Please do not remove our watermark or make any changes to the image. Thanks for your cooperation!