Getting Started

Most days the journey looks like this

This project has been a long time in the making. I've started many times, pressed pause for any number of reasons and picked it up again numerous times. There have been many ups and downs but it is now time to take the leap and officially publish both this website and blog.

As many of you know, more often than not these days I'm found with a camera in my hands. It's a hobby, one that I find myself falling in love with more and more as the years go by. My pictures, however, have gathered dust on various hard drives and rarely are shown to family and friends. This, then, is the primary purpose of these pages - to share with you the images I have captured and the memories that go along with them.

I've discovered that most of my photos fall into three areas of life.  Photography - portraits and images of people, travel - landscapes and images of places I've been lucky enough to visit, and life - the great and small of everyday living.

I've learned heaps about photography over the years but I have a long way to go and I hope that this site will give me another opportunity to do just that.

I look forward to sharing my images and thoughts with you and would greatly appreciate any comments or feedback you may have!